Tuesday, March 12, 2024


In a landmark decision, the National Industrial Court convened in Abuja has reaffirmed Alhaji Tajudeen Ibikunle Baruwa as the legitimate President of the National Union of Road Transport Workers (NURTW) for his second term in office. This ruling solidifies Baruwa's position at the helm of one of Nigeria's largest transport unions.

The judgment, delivered by Justice Otebola Oyewumi, carries significant implications for the union's leadership structure. Firstly, it entails the dissolution of the Alhaji Tajudeen Agbede-led Chairman Caretaker Committee, thereby upholding Baruwa's authority within the organization. Additionally, the court issued a directive restraining former union President Comrade Najeem Usman Yasin, who also held the position of Chairman of the Board of Trustees, from interfering in the day-to-day operations of the union.
Justice Oyewumi's ruling clarifies Yasin's role within the NURTW, stipulating that he can only exercise authority as the Board chairman, thereby delineating boundaries between the union's executive and oversight functions. This decision is anticipated to restore stability and clarity to the NURTW's governance structure, facilitating smoother operations and decision-making processes.

In light of this legal triumph, Alhaji Tajudeen Ibikunle Baruwa stands poised to continue his leadership of the NURTW, steering the organization towards its objectives while upholding the interests of its members. This verdict marks a significant milestone in the ongoing evolution of Nigeria's transport sector and underscores the importance of adherence to legal frameworks in resolving internal disputes within labor unions.

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