Tuesday, March 12, 2024


In a recent statement, former Vice President of Nigeria and the Presidential Candidate of the People Democratic Party (PDP) in 2023, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, vehemently denied rumors of his departure from the PDP. Addressing concerns raised by party members and supporters, Abubakar labeled the allegations as "pure mischief, devoid of truth," reaffirming his unwavering loyalty to the PDP.

Moreover, Abubakar advocated for the swift merger of opposition parties, emphasizing the urgency of this consolidation for effective governance. He criticized Bola Tinubu, citing his "relentless pursuit of personal agendas at the expense of national governance" and accusing him of having a myopic focus on the 2027 elections, which he believes disregards the pressing needs of the populace.

Abubakar's media team is actively countering the baseless claims, signaling a robust defense against the allegations. His statement serves as a wake-up call, urging a balance between the pursuit of power and the imperative of effective governance. He called for collective efforts to propel Nigeria forward, leaving behind the antics of political charlatans.

This is what he said on his X handle:

 "Ihave been inundated with calls from our party members, supporters, and concerned Nigerians regarding the fabricated story in The Nation, Tinubu's ragtag, alleging my departure from the @OfficialPDPNig. Let me be unequivocal: this is pure mischief, devoid of truth. I reaffirm my unwavering loyalty to the PDP while advocating the swift merger of opposition parties. The urgency of this consolidation cannot be overstated.

Tinubu's relentless pursuit of personal agendas at the expense of national governance is glaring. His myopic focus on 2027 betrays a disregard for the pressing needs of the populace. It's high time he ceased his bumbling escapades and prioritised the welfare of the people. 
My media team is vigorously countering his baseless claims. Let this be a wake-up call to all: the pursuit of power must not overshadow the imperative of effective governance. Together, let us propel Nigeria forward, leaving behind the antics of political charlatans. -AA"

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